Hashing Ad Space Launches Simplified Geo Targeting for Advertisers

Hashing Ad Space recently launched a simplified way to add Geo-Targeting for Advertisers. Advertisers can now target exactly the audience they need at a highly affordable flat rate.

Geo-Targeting when advertising with Hashing Ad Space is simple.  Just select the countries and languages that you know would be most likely to want to see what you have to offer.

Hashing Ad Space will then show your websites and banners directly to your best audience.


In the following example, the language chosen is English, this gives the advertising campaign a potential reach of 135,200 people.  You have the ability to select different parameters so you can customize your advertising and design your campaign to be exactly as you need.



In the example shown below European country groups are selected.


This feature is so important in targeted advertising, and there is now only a 30% flat fee, no matter how many options you choose!

Here is how the fee works:

The fee is based on impressions. If you apply 1,000 impressions to your website, then add any or all of the targeting options, we will deliver 700 views.

This is a simple way to add power to your advertising campaigns, below industry cost for tailored targeting.

With Geo-Targeting on Hashing Ad Space, you choose to target your campaign by country, country group, and/or language..  Using this optional advertising feature, it becomes more likely you will reach your ideal audience and get the best results.

There are no complicated calculations!

The "Views You Will Get" displays the fee-adjusted total views you will receive from this targeted campaign. Remember it is a simple 30% flat fee.

Here are some Geo-targeting terms to understand:

"Select Countires" / "Select Country Groups" - Select countries or country groups to add them to your selected targeting.  By clicking the X next to any selected item, you can always deselect a country or country group.

"Select Languages" - Choose Languages (click on a language >> GREEN = selected.) This will add them to your targeting.  You can always change your selection by deselecting them (RED = deselected)

"Views You Will Get" - the final amount of views your ad will receive.

"Estimated Reach" - This is adjusted with every selection or deselection of your targeting.


Advertisers of any product, service, or website now have an exciting, simple, and cost-effective way to get their advertising campaigns seen by their ideal audience.


Established in late 2018, Hashing Ad Space set out to build an ecosystem that offered simple, free income generation for members.  All of this surrounding one of the most valuable products Online Advertising.  Since then, Hashing Ad Space has grown rapidly reaching the top 8,000 most visited websites worldwide, approaching 1 Billion ad views delivered, millions of tokens earned, and is on a mission to help 1,000,000 members from around the globe.As this was accomplished, they have done so while simultaneously providing effective advertising.  Businesses use Hashing Ad Space advertising to promote their offers, products, and websites to the pre-build audience and at the same time offer reliable daily income for the members by completing simple tasks.

Learn how you can get started with Hashing Ad Space to maximize your business success Here




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